Online Gaming to Apply for Jobs
The Impact of Self- and E-Assessment on Staff Recruitment
Proceedings of the 42th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42); Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii
The process of recruiting employees has changed since the internet entered enterprises. From simply posting job ads and information on the internet to online application forms and holistic e-recruiting system architectures the way of recruiting has changed a lot. […]

M. Ohlms, K.G. Melchers & F. Lievens: It’s just a game! Effects of fantasy in a storified test on applicant reactions
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M. Ohlms, E. Voigtländer, K.G. Melchers & U.P. Kanning: Is Gamification a Suitable Means to Improve Applicant Reactions and Convey Information During an Online Test?
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K. Kupka, J. Diercks, L. Jansen: Gamification in Online-Assessments – Wie Recrutainment die Personalauswahl verbessern kann
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J. Diercks, T. Coors: Recrutainment in Personalmarketing und Recruiting – alles nur Spielerei?
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